Academic Lyceum Under WIUT

25 Shaxrisabz, Тошкент, Узбекистан +998 71 238 74 27 Основной вид деятельности Образование Учреждения
25 Shaxrisabz, Тошкент, Узбекистан
+998 71 238 74 27
График работы в году
понедельник: 8:30–17:00
вторник: 8:30–17:00
среда: 8:30–17:00
четверг: 8:30–17:00
пятница: 8:30–17:00
суббота: 8:30–14:00
воскресенье: Закрыто

Уточнить время работы и часы посещения можно по телефону +998 71 238 74 27
Сайт, адрес, режим работы Узбекистан Амир Тимур 25 Shaxrisabz, Тошкент, Узбекистан. Телефон отдела кадров Academic Lyceum Under WIUT +998 71 238 74 27 - для информации о новых вакансиях и работе.
Вакансии в Academic Lyceum Under WIUT
  • Работа в Academic Lyceum Under WIUT по адресу Амир Тимур 25 Shaxrisabz, Тошкент, Узбекистан;
  • Уточнить режим работы и другие вопросы связанные с работой можно по телефону +998 71 238 74 27
Academic Lyceum Under WIUT отзывы
  • Отзывы сотрудников и любезных посетителей о Academic Lyceum Under WIUT;
  • Положительные и отрицательные отзывы жителей города Амир Тимур;
  • Все отзывы обязательно проходят модерацию.
Frankly , it is the best lyceum in Uzb, but I have to confess that it has to be improved moderately not remain steady.Particularly the canteen.Obviously, there is no lyceum to compare, and there is no motivation to enhance.
Алишер Юлдашев
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Of course, this lyceum is the best among others but why should it stop on this. Nowadays, canteen is not as delicious as it used to be. Some teachers who don't even know Russian well, just can't handle with students and prepare them to the University. What is more, lyceum administration always compare us with other Lyceums or Colleges, which is the losers way of thinking (always compare with the ones who is worse). To put it in a nutshell, lyceum becomes worse and worse but nothing will change coz there is no lyceum which would like to compete.
Sardor Husan
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
A fully bureaucratic enterprise with neither educational intentions, nor learning spirit. I constantly get pissed off with the total lack of professionalism, concernment, common knowledge of both teachers and administration, and basic freedoms of students. Regarding the last point: 1) Uniform is mandatory. More effort is made in order to make students comply with uniform regulations, than on enhancing their knowledge 2) Your exam marks WILL BE repealed if you miss more than 2 lessons 3) You always get threatened by all kinds of inspections from third parties 4) Your personal data is collected all the time by the administration without any reasoning 5) Your smartphone contents might be inspected by the third parties 6) ID system main purpose is compromised. A list of reference of every id card to its holder is in the free access. 7) There is much more, but the post is already too long as it is A 2nd level student of AL under WIUT
Heck Fin
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Мирахмад Икрамов
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This Lyceum is the best compared to others.
Abdulaziz Yunusov
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Отзывы о других организациях
АК Народный банк (головной офис)
3 Амир Темур шоҳ кўчаси, Тошкент 100000, Узбекистан
Kozhvenerologicheskiy Dispanser
Ташкент, Узбекистан
Xorazm ko'chasi, Тошкент, Узбекистан
17 Matbuotchilar ko'chasi, Тошкент, Узбекистан
Art Gallery of Uzbekistan
Buyuk Turon ko'chasi, Тошкент, Узбекистан
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