Адрес str. Vasile Alecsandri nr. 90, Chisinau 2012, МолдавияТелефон +373 22 998 855Вакансии Сайт DentPark http://www.dentpark.md/ |
График работы в 2025 году
понедельник: 8:30–19:00вторник: 8:30–19:00 среда: 8:30–19:00 четверг: 8:30–19:00 пятница: 8:30–19:00 суббота: 8:30–15:00 воскресенье: Закрыто Уточнить время работы и часы посещения можно по телефону +373 22 998 855 Сайт, адрес, режим работы
Вакансии в DentPark
DentPark отзывы
- Отзывы сотрудников и любезных посетителей о DentPark;
- Положительные и отрицательные отзывы жителей города Кишинёв;
- Все отзывы обязательно проходят модерацию.
Am rămas plăcut surprinsă în urma vizitei acestei clinici.Am fost întâmpinați cu amabilitate de către doamna de la recepție de îndată ce ne-am așezat pe scaun în așteptarea medicului nostru ni s-a propus ceai,cafea.De asemenea medicul care ne-a tratat Doamna Olga Curea și asistenta sa ne-a oferit servicii de înaltă calitate și profesionalism suntem foarte mulțumiți. Am avut ocazia să vizitez clinica câteva zile consecutiv și chiar am profitat de acest fapt pentru a mă convinge că toți membrii clinicii sunt amabili și respectuoși cu toți vizitatorii. La sigur voi reveni la Dent Park.
The best experience in a medical environment ever. Not only the facility is clean and tidy, the doctors are cool too. I was explained about how things work arround difficult situations which in my case we've had with my 11 yrs old sister. Credits to Dr Tatiana Guzun. Great facility and allround services.
Personal calificat si comunicabil. Toate interventiile au fost facute fara a provoca dureri sau incomoditati.
Very friendly and professional staff. The doctors were amazing. Answered all my questions and went above and beyond to fix all my problems in a very short amount of time. Definitely worth the money. Excellent quality and atmosphere. They made sure my visits are as comfortable as possible. Will definitely come back in the future. Keep up the good work!
My experience in Dental Park was amazing it's something out of the page soon as you get into the duel you going a different world besides the professional and the quality is amazing is no comparison to none of the dentist I've ever been also myself I'm a doctor and where can it in United Kingdom and being told by friends from Switzerland Amsterdam about dental Park which I will never regret cuz I came and see dentist old sorry the work I've been putting into my teeth quality is massively and amazing I have no words to say about a team mister Dr Ilies who has been looking after me in the Journey of two weeks treatment it was amazing professional good quality of care no pain whatsoever in the treatment I want to thank everyone for the hard work they've done to my teeth and I'll recommend this dentist practice every single one who wants a good dentist and a good quality more than welcome is safe and good very very good
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