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Вакансии в Hotel Ararat
Hotel Ararat отзывы
- Отзывы сотрудников и любезных посетителей о Hotel Ararat;
- Положительные и отрицательные отзывы жителей города Агдам;
- Все отзывы обязательно проходят модерацию.
my family and I stayed at this small hotel for a night. it was so cheap and nice place neat and tidy. it's not just in the center the city but the city is not too big so ..... , it's a quiet place actually. you can find small forest and small river behind the hotel and staffs were very friendly and helpful even thought they couldn't speak English evidently they can speak Russian of course I even played backgammon with one of staff over there I recommend this hotel to everyone wants to be relax
Отзывы о других организациях
2a Baghramyan Street, Stepanakert
Mimena Market
44 Azatamartikneri Ave, Stepanakert
Stepanakert Secondary School No.9
1 Hovhannisyan Lane, Xankəndi 375 000
Saro's B&B
M. Pashian St., Şuşa
Haghtanak Supermarket
Ханканди 375000
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