График работы в 2025 году
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- Отзывы сотрудников и любезных посетителей о PAMIREXTREME GUEST HOUSE SHAMURAT;
- Положительные и отрицательные отзывы жителей города Сары-Таш;
- Все отзывы обязательно проходят модерацию.
Хозяин отличный образованный предприимчивый молодой человек. Добро пожаловать!
Гостепреимный хозяин. Очень порадовало наличие хорошего WiFi интернета.
When I got a rating, the owner bought a bad evaluation so he was charged punishment for money. First of all, there is no explanation of accommodation concerning check-in. If I washed several clothes without knowing it, I was told to pay a fine of $ 16. If I did not pay, I threatened to call the police. Also, when I used the shower on the evening and the next morning, I was told that it was fine because of the large number of times. Also, at the time of inquiry, referring to bookingcom, while bookingcom checkout time is am11, baggage was taken out of the room without my agreement because other guests will come. If you protest against these, you are a bad customer. I reported it to the police once again. I did fair evaluation with the above matters. I have experienced staying in over 1,000 Hotels so far, but this experience is the worst no 1 from that experience.
Lovely place with astonishing view. Owner - young Shamurat is great host. Very hospitable and helpful, he can arrange anything! Faciliteis are basic (no hot running water, toilet outside) but WHO CARES! It's lovely anyway. The view from the window is mindblowing. Definitely worth staying!
Отзывы о других организациях
Homestay Sary Tash
street, Sary-Tash, Киргизия
Памир - Алай №2
A371, Sary-Tash, Киргизия
Guesthouse Pamir Trekking
Сары-Таш, Киргизия
Guest House Aigul
Сары-Таш, Киргизия
Homestay Sary Tash
street, Sary-Tash, Киргизия
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