Адрес проспект Свободи, 19, Львів, Львівська область, Украина, 79000Телефон +380 67 780 8699Вакансии Сайт Прокат авто Лион автопрокат http://lion-avtoprokat.com.ua/ |
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понедельник: 0:00–23:30вторник: 0:00–23:30 среда: 0:00–23:30 четверг: 0:00–23:30 пятница: 0:00–23:30 суббота: 0:00–23:30 воскресенье: 0:00–23:30 Уточнить время работы и часы посещения можно по телефону +380 67 780 8699 Сайт, адрес, режим работы
Вакансии в Прокат авто Лион автопрокат
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Not surprised this place is closed. Be very careful. Once they have your credit card information they will keep charging it for no reason till it's maxed out. They are real thiefs. Just got off the phone with my bank. These bastards kept charging my card until I locked it. My story started when I requested a specific SUV and was assured I definitely gonna get it for a specific price. After I arrived, I was shocked when I saw some strange guy walking around with a sign with name on it. He took me to the parking lot where "the car" was parked. It wasn't actually even close to Suv, but as long as I had no phone on me to contact the main office and I had long drive ahead, I've decided that it's better to safe myself time and nervous system, so I kept that pie...e of waste. I was driving mad old crap with summer tires ( when roads and all around was covered with ice and 10inch high snow). The windshield liquid got frozen and in order for me keep the window clean, I should have stopped on the shoulder and throw snow on the windshield. And it's not the end of the story. The gas tank was almost empty and that prick didn't even tell me about it. I barely made it to the nearest gas station...ugh...when I was returning a car it got even worse...the operator was rude and disrespectful. They didn't wanna give me a security deposit explaining that with whole bunch of stupid reasons ( meanwhile the car was in shape and condition i took it the first day).We were arguing on the phone for a long time. It gave so much stress because I had to check in at the airport and was going to be late for my flight. I would probably keep going on and on with this story, but I guess it's not gonna make a change. This third-world country is so messed up. You are not protected by anything there. There is no law in that country. Be careful
Отзывы о других организациях
Art-Halereya Vyshynsʹkoyi
вулиця Фурманська, 5, Львів, Львівська область, Украина, 79000
Mons Pius
вулиця Лесі Українки, 14, Львів, Львівська область, Украина, 79000
Львівсан сантехніка
вулиця Івана Виговського, 55, Львів, Львівська область, Украина, 79000
проспект В'ячеслава Чорновола, 95, Львів, Львівська область, Украина, 79000
Klinika Zablotsʹkoho
вулиця Коперника, 20, Львів, Львівська область, Украина, 79000
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