График работы в 2025 году
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Вакансии в SMBATYAN B&B
- Отзывы сотрудников и любезных посетителей о SMBATYAN B&B;
- Положительные и отрицательные отзывы жителей города Севан;
- Все отзывы обязательно проходят модерацию.
красивые места для отдыха
Simple and quiet guesthouse. On the outside it is not really attractive but has a lot of charm inside. Breakfast is good and the daughter speaks both English and French. She is also the contact person between a sister city (I do not know anymore) in France. Sevan city itself has little to offer and it was a long search for a restaurant where I was the only guest. It was extremely hilarious (there was only one cook and myself) but still tasty.
Friendly people. The daughter works in the tourist information. Good breakfast.
Отзывы о других организациях
Դրախտիկ Հանգստի Գոտի
Гегаркуник, Армения
«Դրախտ» հանգստի գոտի
Gegharkunik, Армения
AMICO cafe-pizzeria
155/2, Nairyan Street, Sevan 1501, Армения
Areguni Secondary School
Арегуни, Армения
Novosaratovka Football Stadium
Gadabay, Азербайджан
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