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Вакансии в Socar Polymer
Socar Polymer отзывы
- Отзывы сотрудников и любезных посетителей о Socar Polymer;
- Положительные и отрицательные отзывы жителей города Сумгаит;
- Все отзывы обязательно проходят модерацию.
SOCAR Polymer, the project of international standing, is the first of its kind and scale in the petrochemical industry of Azerbaijan over the past 40 years. SOCAR Polymer was incorporated on July 16, 2013 in order to reinforce development of chemical industry of the country. The company’s production facilities consisting of Polypropylene (PP) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plants are being built on the site of the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park (SCIP) . The main goal of establishment of the SCIP is acceleration of economic development of Azerbaijan, increasing competitiveness in comparison with other countries that are leading in terms of development of innovative industries. SCIP supports innovative industrial initiatives by extensive tax exemptions, and provides full infrastructure support and single point approach on all permitting issues. Polypropylene and High Density Polyethylene plants of SOCAR Polymer will be the first of its kind in Azerbaijan, enabling the country to grow its petrochemical industry through development of production for this segment of plastics market.
Anakin islediyi yer
сокар кими уграч марка йохдур
Oтлично 5
Отзывы о других организациях
Qubadlı Rayon Polis Şöbəsi
34 Heydar Aliyev Pros, Sumqayıt 5000, Азербайджан
Megahand Sumqayit
Сумгаит 5001, Азербайджан
Ədliyyə Nazirliyinin Şöbəsi
4 R. Qəhrəmanov, Sumqayıt 5000, Азербайджан
Sumqayıt Apellyasiya Məhkəməsi
30th Block, Sumqayit 5004, Sumqayit 5004, Азербайджан
moto master
Novxanı, Азербайджан
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